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TRAKTOR DJ Studio 2.5 � Quick Reference The Waveform Display
The Waveform Display is a completely new way of controlling your mix. It shows marker, breaks and rhythmic grids several seconds ahead of time. The Track Overview gives you an basic view of the complete track inclusive all markers. The Text Display is providing important information of the played track.
Loop Marker: shows start and end point of a stored or active loop (green lines) Cue Point: shows location of (up to 10) stored and current cue points (blue line) Beat Marker: used to define a beat grid based on the current BPM value (light grey line with B) Beat Grid: grid is generated by the beat marker calculated from current BPM value (ligth grey lines) Load Marker: marker that is used when loading or pre-listening a track (only when �Initially Cue to Load Marker� in setup menu is activated Playback Position: red line that shows the current playback position. When a track is paused a cue point is set at either this or the next beat«s positon Fade Points: special cue points allowing playback of the opposite deck. The two red lines mark the fade in and the fade out of the track Deck Select: click on the text display to assign the focus on this deck. A yellow line marks the current selected deck.
Text Display: gives you detailled information about the loaded track (e.g. title name, BPM, elapsed and remaining time etc.). Some information is available after the track has been analysed only Waveform Display: displays a selection of the waveform with colored shades of beats and frequencies Track Display: basic overview of the current track with all markers. Available after the track has been analysed only